Beach School Program

Beach Program for Schools
Australians love the beach however the shoreline is not always friendly. It is our mission to educate children through our beach program on how to remain safe whilst in, on and around the water.
This is an educational program that focuses on safety around the water, Beach safety and also covers SunSmart education for primary school aged students.
The aim of the program is to educate students on how to swim in open waterways, what they can do to keep themselves safe around water. Plus educate them and strengthen their danger perception.
Working With Us
We undertake full risk assessments prior to our beach programs commencing.
We also work closely with schools to discuss, plan and implement suitable programs to meet schooling needs and requirements.
Our Beach Programs Purpose
Our beach program is a unique experience for students to develop their swimming and theory skills. To gain a better understanding of water safety in different environments, especially at their local beach.
This experience will take students out of their comfort zone, challenge them and provide them with a rewarding outcome. Open water and general water safety will be the key learning focus area.
Our Beach Program Classes
The programs classes offer full day and half day programs depending on the school's individual requirements.
Students look forward to being invited to special school events. They are always encouraged to attend events that teach them lifesaving skills that they will have for life.
Beach School Program FAQs Expand all
What does the program involve?
- In water sessions
- Dry theory sessions at the school
- A day at the beach
- SunSmart education
SunSmart Education
Our beach program includes SunSmart education for all primary school aged students. As a childcare centre it is important to ensure we educate children on our SunSmart policy and the importance of being sun smart to reduce UV damage.
During sun protection times it is important to Slip! Slop! Slap! Seek! Slide!
- SLIP on clothing
- SLOP on sunscreen
- SLAP on a hat
- SEEK shade
- SLIDE on sunglasses
Working With Us
We undertake full risk assessments prior to our beach programs commencing. We also work closely with schools to discuss, plan and implement suitable programs to meet schooling needs and requirements.